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Find Your Dream Career

We offer free retention and recruitment support

Whether you’re seeking recruitment and retention help for the first time or looking to refresh your marketing materials, we’re here to support you! We offer a variety of FREE services to meet your needs.

Sign up below to request a meeting and discuss how we can assist you this school year.

Kansas Promise Act and Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship

For Kansas students interested in a career in education, KBOR has several options for assisting with costs of attendance:

• Kansas Promise Scholarship (certain two-year associate programs including early childhood education)

• Kansas Teachers Service Scholarship (typically awarded to upperclassmen seeking a bachelor’s degree in education)

• For those in service who wish to take a course in computer science: Computer Science Educator Scholarship provides $1,000.

Save the Date: 3rd Annual Epic Educators Conference July 16-17, 2025

We had an amazing time at our Annual Epic Educators Conference! It was a tremendous success, thanks to the dedicated educators who attended, the generous vendors, and the many businesses that donated prizes. We hope everyone left feeling refreshed, valued, and appreciated. Wishing you all an incredible 2024-2025 school year!


Next year’s conference will be held on July 16-17, 2025, in Wichita.


Kansans are demanding higher standards in academic skills, as well as employability and citizenship skills, and the need to move away from a “one-size-fits-all” system that relies exclusively on state assessments. This new vision for education calls for a more student-focused system that provides support and resources for individual success and will require everyone to work together to make it a reality. Together, Kansans Can.



The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with and One Million Teachers of Color, has launched “Teachers: Leaders Shaping Lives,” a campaign to elevate the teaching profession and promote educator diversity by inspiring more talented people – especially those from underrepresented communities – to become teachers.