Grow In The Profession

Keep learning & growing as an educator
Teacher giving student a high five

Part of being a great teacher is always being a good student. Professional development is vital to keeping you informed, enthusiastic, and best equipped to help your school and community. 

  • Improve your organizational skills
  • Become a greater subject matter expert
  • Get certified in a new specialty
  • Enhance the quality of education in your classroom & community
  • Develop into a school administrator or developing into a school administrator  

The good news is that we’re here to help you along your professional development path! From areas you know you’d like to dig into, to areas where districts could use your help, the information and tools are all here.

Explore professional development opportunities

Use the links below to find information on programs available now to help teachers in Kansas.

Programs for special education

Take steps to become Special Education certified and learn best practices.

Become a specialist

Gain the skills and knowledge to be certified in a range of specialties.

Areas of high need

Discover what professional development areas are critical right now in Kansas.

Professional development resources

Explore the range of professional development tools available to Kansas

Put your teaching skills to good use

Explore the positions available right now throughout the state of Kansas.