Retention Survey

The KSDE/TASN Educate Kansas Teacher Recruitment and Retention Survey was developed in partnership with Kansas State University. The survey identifies and promotes the availability of Kansas teacher education jobs and prioritizes recruiting underrepresented populations and other high-need teaching areas, particularly the supply of special educators. Additionally, the data from this survey is designed to increase the capacity of the district administrators to mitigate teacher shortages by providing coaching around the retention of current staff.

Multiple survey sources were leveraged for the development of this survey: the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), the newest iteration of the SASS, and the National Teacher Principal Survey (NTPS). SASS and NTPS are collected and managed by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and include more than 30,000 public school teachers in every wave. The survey consists of state and nationally representative independent samples of U.S. schools and teachers. These surveys have been implemented every few years from 1987-1988 to 2020-2021 and have been studied and examined numerous times. Thousands of studies have utilized these surveys to examine issues of teacher recruitment and retention.



ℹ️ Survey Sign Up
ℹ️ List of Survey Questions
ℹ️ Video Introduction
ℹ️ Educate Kansas Executive Summary
ℹ️ Kansas State
Survey Data